Thursday, July 30, 2009

Read CDATA value from XML.

We can create cData node like this.

We can to read the value of cData node by using the following function

private string GetValueFromCData(string cDataValue)
XmlDataDocument xmlDoc = null;
XmlElement root = null;
string value = string.Empty;

xmlDoc = new XmlDataDocument();
xmlDoc.LoadXml("" + cDataValue + "");
root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
value = root.FirstChild.InnerText;

catch (Exception GetValueFromCDataException)
throw GetValueFromCDataException;
{ }

return value;


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kavita I am new to web development I just want to extract tag and its value within it. I store my xml string in sql database. So help me what to do?
