XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();
xDoc.LoadXml("<Country></Country>"); //Created the Parent Node.
XmlNode xCity = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "City", "");
XmlNode xZoneNode = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Zone", "");
XmlNode xAreaNode = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Area", "");
XmlAttribute xCountryName = xDoc.CreateAttribute(XmlNodeType.Attribute.ToString(), "Name", "");
XmlNode xCityName = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Name", "");
xCountryName.Value = "India";
xCityName.InnerText = "Ahmedabad";
xAreaNode.InnerText = "Ahm";
xCity = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "City", "");
xZoneNode = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Zone", "");
xAreaNode = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Area", "");
xCityName = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Name", "");
xCityName.InnerText = "Banglore";
xAreaNode.InnerText = "Bgr";
xCity = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "City", "");
xZoneNode = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Zone", "");
xAreaNode = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Area", "");
xCityName = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Name", "");
xCityName.InnerText = "Pune";
xAreaNode.InnerText = "pn";
//See ur out put here
string outPut = xDoc.DocumentElement.OuterXml;
//-------- This will Give output as ' ---------------//
////< Country Name="India" >
//// < City>
//// < Name >Ahmedabad
//// < Zone >
//// < Area >Ahm< /Area >
//// < /Zone >
//// < /City >
//// < City >
//// < Name >Banglore< /Name >
//// < Zone >
//// < Area >Bgr< /Area >
//// < /Zone >
//// < /City >
//// < City >
//// < Name >Pune
//// < Zone >
//// < Area>pn
//// < /Zone >
//now to query this Document Using the xPath u can do something like this
string nameParam = "Pune";
//get city name which is dependent upon the given area (set in areaParam)
string cityName = xDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("City[@Name='"+nameParam+"']/Zone/Area").InnerText;
//-------- This will Give output as pn' ---------------//
catch (Exception e)
{ }
Hi ........
ReplyDeleteI am reading xml file i can find the path using reflection assembly i can read it........
My Problem is .........
I need how to write xml file using device application in
I can't find the path whenever i am writing xml file or any textfile also..........
Please help me ............
Smart Device Appplication (
ReplyDeleteI need to get Location or path for writing xml file that is my big problem...........
whenever i am writing xml file i can't get path and i can not write xml or text file using smart device application............
hello kavita
ReplyDeletei want to genrate a xml file and bind xml to treeview structure in
in my sql database i am having string like
how can be the xml created
can u please help me..
thanks in advance
Hi Kavitha,
ReplyDeleteI am sathya web developer. I want to generate xml gallery dynamically using aspx coding. Xml generate format is
/*gallery title="" thumbDir="./upload/thumbs/" imageDir="./upload/" random="true"
category name="Introducing Seattle"
title View of Seattle /title
desc View of Seattle /desc
thumb seattle5.jpg /thumb
img seattle5.jpg /img
category name="Introducing Seattle"
title View of Seattle /title
desc View of Seattle /desc
thumb seattle5.jpg /thumb
img seattle5.jpg /img
This is my xml gallery tags. I can add many category with xml and also i can upload many photos for any of the category. I created upload part and database with this category, but i do no how to generate xml for this category. Can u help me for this problem.......
Hi Kavitha,
ReplyDeleteI'm Gianluca. I want save the xml above in a xml file (for example CountryCity.xml), this can be possible?
I've solved the problem with this code:
DeletexDoc.Save("C:/Users/Gianluca/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/WebApplication1/WebApplication1/Xml/Prova.xml");
Thank You gianlu123 for saying about location to save. It works properly