Monday, June 22, 2009

Prepare XML from XSD using xml serilization.

Here we will learn how do we create a class from XSD file can prepare a XML from

Suppose I have an XML like this.

<title>Empire Burlesque</title>

<artist>Bob Dylan</artist>







<title>Hide your heart</title>

<artist>Bonnie Dylan</artist>


<company>CBS Records</company>





<title>Greatest Hits</title>

<artist>Bob Parton</artist>







Now using the xsd.exe or any third party tool u can create a class from a XSd. Now
to use xsd.exe u must have schema file of an XML. So first i have generated a xsd
from above xml.. (One can have a ready made xsd too, its not always i have to prepare
the xsd from given xml.. okay!! ) well so i have prepared an xsd from it..which

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementformdefault="qualified">

<xs:element name="cds">



<xs:element maxoccurs="unbounded" ref="cd" />




<xs:element name="cd">



<xs:element ref="title" />

<xs:element ref="artist" />

<xs:element ref="country" />

<xs:element ref="company" />

<xs:element ref="price" />

<xs:element ref="year" />




<xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" />

<xs:element name="artist" type="xs:string" />

<xs:element name="country" type="xs:NCName" />

<xs:element name="company" type="xs:string" />

<xs:element name="price" type="xs:decimal" />

<xs:element name="year" type="xs:integer" />


Now using the xsd.exe / XsdObjectGenerator.exe (U can find such utilities by googling
out ) I have prepared a class file from it. This class has been generated using
xsd object generator.. using the following command XSDObjectGen cd.xsd /l:cs /n:myNameSpace

// Copyright 2004, Microsoft Corporation

// Sample Code - Use restricted to terms of use defined in the accompanying license
agreement (EULA.doc)


// Autogenerated by XSDObjectGen version

// Schema file: cd.xsd

// Creation Date: 22-Jun-09 12:17:28 PM

// Created by Kavita Khandhadia


using System;

using System.Xml.Serialization;

using System.Collections;

using System.Xml.Schema;

using System.ComponentModel;

public struct Declarations


public const string SchemaVersion = "";




public class cdCollection : ArrayList


public cd Add(cd obj)



return obj;


public cd Add()


return Add(new cd());


public void Insert(int index, cd obj)


base.Insert(index, obj);


public void Remove(cd obj)




new public cd this[int index]


get { return (cd) base[index];

set { base[index] = value;




public class cds



public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()


return cdCollection.GetEnumerator();


public cd Add(cd obj)


return cdCollection.Add(obj);



public cd this[int index]


get { return (cd) cdCollection[index];



public int Count


get { return
cdCollection.Count; }


public void Clear()




public cd Remove(int index)


cd obj = cdCollection[index];


return obj;


public void Remove(object obj)






public cdCollection __cdCollection;


public cdCollection cdCollection




if (__cdCollection
== null) __cdCollection = new cdCollection();



set {__cdCollection = value;}


public cds()





public class cd




public string __title;


public string title


get { return __title; }

set { __title = value;




public string __artist;


public string artist


get { return __artist;

set { __artist = value;




public string __country;


public string country


get { return __country;

set { __country = value;




public string __company;


public string company


get { return __company;

set { __company = value;




public decimal __price;



public bool __priceSpecified;


public decimal price


get { return __price; }

set { __price = value;
__priceSpecified = true; }




public string __year;


public string year


get { return __year; }

set { __year = value; }


public cd()




Now in the code behind I have written this logic

public void CallCDSxsd()


cds cdRoot = new cds();

cdCollection cdColl = new cdCollection();

cd oneCdNode = new cd();

oneCdNode.title = "Room Service";

oneCdNode.artist = "Bryan Adams"; = "MMM"; = "USA";

oneCdNode.price = 455M;

oneCdNode.year = "2004";


oneCdNode = new cd();

oneCdNode.title = "Laundry Service";

oneCdNode.artist = "Sakira"; = "MMM"; = "USA";

oneCdNode.price = 355M;

oneCdNode.year = "2005";


XmlElement xe = Serialize(cdRoot);


/// <summary>

/// Serialize given object into XmlElement.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="transformObject">Input object
for serialization.</param>

/// <returns>Returns serialized XmlElement.</returns>

#region Serialize given object into stream.

public XmlElement Serialize(object transformObject)


XmlElement serializedElement = null;



memStream = new MemoryStream();

serializer = new XmlSerializer(transformObject.GetType());


= 0;

XmlDocument xmlDoc
= new XmlDocument();


= xmlDoc.DocumentElement;


catch (Exception SerializeException)



return serializedElement;


#endregion // End - Serialize given object into stream.

Now when u will look at this property xe.OuterXml U will see out put as following.

<cds xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">


<title>Room Service</title>

<artist>Bryan Adams</artist>







<title>Laundry Service</title>








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